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so close, yet so far
What I would do to be there with you.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
hmm.. finished watching rolling love the day b4 ytd.. abit shocked as the ending abit too fast... but quite touching.. =D and i wan the song "gao su wo" but haven out yet.. sians..

so today went to class late again.. 9.40am den reach.. haa.. sorry jas for ur late book.. haha.. econs as usual was boring and after tat fa.. took back our result and i was not shock or wad.. cos i knew i would get ard there.. ha..

ard fa went lunch at biz park again.. lol... took bus to e!hub to catch dark knight !
nice movie alth got abit draggy in front... but the ending was worth it. =)) accompany nat they all for dinner at whitesand and took 88 home !~ so freaking tired today... tml 9 am lesson ! and mock test.. siansssss.....................

it's all fated that we will alws stay at the same

♥ posted on 11:52 PM

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

okok i noe i haf nt been blogging for dayssssss !... hahaaas..

cos feeling damn lazy to blog already...

and ytd ! presentation for pom ! lol... it's so scary u noe..

but lastly still manage to smoke through i guess... hahas...

and i tink the video is damn funny lor.. hahas..

hmm... surpriseing today pom lecture!!

1A05 onli got 4 student go for lecture !!

and tat's mi, hong chit, kok tong and nat !

the laziest 4 went ! and those guai kia all nv go..

omgggg... damn surprising right..

hahhaaas... and today ! ms thio took my seat !

bcos of her i had to sit on the floor.. =((

bcos i dun wan to sit in front.. heex..

after class went ITAS for lunch and slacked at there to chat... lol..

damn lame la our topics.. hahas...

went home ard 6 ! and tml lesson 9am again...


♥ posted on 10:57 PM

Sunday, July 13, 2008
SAT !~

hmm.. slept till afternoon... and went down to kai hse to meet kc alvin and kai bcos we r going to FISHING ! lol.. took bus tilll changi and bought some eq for fishing and went to gera hse.. cos her b'dae celebration... lol..

reached gera's hse and chat eat talk awhile ard 8+ den cut cake le.. after tat.. mi kai kc alvin went to TCCC there to find kc' dad cos he bringing us go punggol to fish.. cos the place veri ulu.. hahas..

after we reached awhile den kc's dad go fetch ben goh.. lol... sadded mie.. my rear got prob den cannot use mine.. so i used kc's rod.. lol.. fished till ard morning norx.. NO FISH ! onli those lousy fish.. hahaas.. so noisy lor the fish ! hahaas.. keep ga ga ga ga... lol.. ard 5+ going to rain le.. so we all packed and walk back to tak bus le... had mac and went to kc hse to ply bb ! so tired sia.. so long nv ply le.. hahas.. went home ard 10 and slp till 8pm.. =p too tired le !!!!~

♥ posted on 9:38 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008
I'm back !!~ LOL !~
hahas... quite long nv blog le.. cos nth interesting to blog too.. hahas... ytd finally went somewhere to ply.. hahas.. met kc and alvin after school to ply pool for awhile after that kai reach le and we went to changi... but on the way there.. kai suggested to go OCH !~ lol.. so everyone go lor.. hahaahaas...
lucky ytd got no dog !~ phew.. cos the dog damn scary lo... and oso bcos we went during afternoon then nt tat scary cos veri bright.. hahas.. but tio alot of mosquito bite... hahas.. went we going off tat time.. suay suay rain... we haf no choice but to run down till the bus stop ! damn tiring lor.. so long nv run so far le.. hahahas.. took bus to changi for dinner.. lol.. after that shopped awhile at there for fishing eq.. lol.. all spent so much $.. hahaas.. onli i nv buy... heex... took bus home ! hahas... and i watched fated to love you till dawn.. hahas ard 7.. hahas.. so din go school... =p even csa i din go.. hahas... =D

♥ posted on 8:31 PM

Friday, July 04, 2008
lol today's class is still alright bax.. school end early cos is thurs.. went straight to ply street soccer wif my class guys except onli jeet is nt there.. hahas.. damn hot la the weather.. i nw still having heat stroke i tink.. cos kip headache.. lol.. after tat went SU awhile to kill time..

went to meet kc they all and went geylang for dinner.. lol.. the food there is nt bad.. after meal.. quite full den went to walk walk lor... lol.. damn funny !.. especially kc and jack.. haa!!!.. and walk all the way to eat "you tiao"... hahas.. after tat went back to the valley there... hahas.. cos kc they all wanna ply ply valley gambling.. hahas.. lol.. at last lost abit la.. hahas... lucky i no money.. so cannot ply.. hahas.. and kai manage to resist himself from plying.. hahas.. at last... walk to tak bus wif kc and went home lor !..

wad a long day today la !.. somemore tml got 9am lesson.. sian.. feel like skipping leh.. hahs.. let's see if i can wake up tml !.. hahas...

so vexed and troubled !

♥ posted on 2:22 AM

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
okay.. i noe i monday din blog so i blog nw.. hahas..
hmm.. i haf been watching rolling love for the past few days.. lol.. it's quite nice..
sometimes sad, sometimes happy.. but most of it is sad la.. so i'm feeling quite sad now.. lol..
life as normal.. study eat slp lol !~...

ytd is shijie's b'dae cos is already past 12.. so happy b'dae to him !~.. lol.. we went to his hse to celebrate for him.. thanks for the food and drinks.. alth it's cold but it's still nice ok.. hahas.. slacked at there and watched some shows.. hahas.. ard 11 i went home le.. but others r going to overnight at alex's hse.. hahs.. jux nw watched some rolling love again.. hahas.. so sad la.. lol..
tml school le.. and i tink i going to pon csa again le.. but i'm going to pom tis time round.. so.... gd nite !!

i know myself that i'm fond of you but i know it doesn't help even i say it out. =(

♥ posted on 3:02 AM

about me




Jasmine | Joel | KaiJun | Marshall | Glen | Ivy | JiaNi | Bao | BenLee |